About Us

Our Mission Statement

Living Prove is a Non Profit with a mission to better the life of others in need. We are going to be there for our communities who can’t help themselves and need that extra hand. Many people wish to have someone there for them in time of need but that’s hard to find, that’s our Mission to really be there to extend a hand for those who need it.


Providing the communities that need it the most for example low income, elderly, single family homes and Small Business. This Community’s struggle every month to pay their bills.

Low income homes will be helped by reducing energy consumption and water efficiency. This will be done by replacing high water consumption toilets , faucets , shower valves, water valves and old non efficient appliances and LED lights in neglected homes.

We would also work with Elderly living homes to make their stay more comfortable and enjoyable. The Way we would achieve this goal is by working with manufactures, overstock companies and major retailers to purchase and donate pillows, bedding, mattresses, appliances and whatever we can achieve to make them feel more like home.

Single Family homes are struggling to make ends meet. Living Prove would like to be the one that they can turn to. We are going to buy Tax lien homes and bank owned homes that are dedicated for nonprofits to be able to provide a better living for those who struggle to keep their families under a roof. These homes will be fully efficient which means low bills and lease stress for the families.

Small businesses are now struggling more than ever and don’t have the knowledge where to get help. Here is where we come in. It’s all about the knowledge that you have, many companies struggle to reach customers and make a presence. Something as small as pointing the companies in the right direction goes a long way. Helping them connect with other companies and improve their business process can save a company thousands of dollars. Many companies don’t even keep records of their expenses, making small changes like this can mean the difference in closing down or moving forward.

Our goal is it be the Living prove for our Communities.